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Thursday, 25 December 2008

Login Yahoo Messenger more than one user


Yahoo messenger 8 multi login

How to :
1. Go to Start —-> Run . Type regedit, then enter .
2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER ——–> Software —>yahoo —–>pager—->Test
3. On the right pane , right-click and choose new Dword value .
4. Rename it as Plural.
5. Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.
6. Login
Good Luck!

Software Review : GOM Player

Title: GOM Player


Size: 5.57MB

Requirement: Windows (All Versions)

Lisence: Freeware

Author: Gretech

GOM is a FREE media player with popular audio & video codecs built-in.

No need to install codecs separately! Try one of your broken AVI files or one of the files that is being downloaded with GOM.

GOM Player supports most popular codecs (AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX plus many more) with its own embedded codec system that you won't have to look for appropriate codecs everytime you can't play a certain video format. For those codecs that require a license that cannot be distributed, GOM will automatically lead you to an open-source codec web-site.

Watch video files while you are downloading them! GOM has a registered patent for playing broken AVI files and files that are still being downloaded. So try one of your broken AVI files or one that you are downloading right now. You'll find it amazing!

GOM supports a lot of advanced features for advanced users. You can customize the player by creating your own skin, setting toggle keys, VMR modes, detailed resolution among others. It also provides features such as an overlay mixer, real-time index rebuilding for AVI files, unicode support, key frame based RW/FF and many more!

Download file dari Megaupload

Selalunya bila kita download file dari Megaupload, pasti ada amaran mengatakan slot sudah penuh bagi pengguna edisi free. Untuk mengelakkan masalah tersebut cubalah cara ini.


1. Cuma gunakan Firefox. Klik about:Config
2. klik kanan dan pilih New ==> String
3. Isikan- general.useragent.override valuenya Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; FDM; Alexa Toolbar)
4. Cuba download dari megaupload.


OK, jika cara diatas masih tak boleh, silakan cuba cara kedua:
1. Pastikan Anda menggunakan browser
Mozilla Firefox
2. Install add-ons
Megaupload SX
3. Restart browser
4. Pilih menu tools -> Megaupload3 dan pilih enabled
5. Masuk ke link megaupload yang akan didownload, dan langsung deh download
6. Memang bahasanya akan aneh, tapi tak apa, anda tinggal isikan saja image rahasianya dan klik download

 *Kalau x boleh jugak, kena buat premium account, takde masalah( tp bayar sendiri la)

Selamat mencuba!

Gabungan Key shortcut Windows XP

Shortcut key dalam Windows XP
Windows logo key, yang berada di sebelah bawah keyboard anda, terletak di antara key CTRL dan ALT, mempunyai logo Windows adalah key utama untuk shortcut ini. Antara key yang wujud dalam Windows yang mungkin anda tak tau ialah:

Windows : Display the Start menu
Windows + D: Minimize or restore all windows
Windows + E: Display Windows Explorer
Windows + F: Display Search for files
Windows + Ctrl + F: Display Search for computer
Windows + F1: Display Help and Support Center
Windows + R: Display Run dialog box
Windows + break: Display System Properties dialog box
Windows + shift + M: Undo minimize all windows
Windows + L: Lock the workstation
Windows + U: Open Utility Manager
Windows + Q: Quick switching of users (Powertoys only)
Windows + Q: Hold Windows Key, then tap Q to scroll thru the different users on you

Windows key memang banyak kegunaannya kan?

Cara buang fail Spyware dari komputer anda

Jika anda sering bertembung dengan masalah untuk membuang fail-fail spyware tetapi gagal, cuba tips berikut:

1. Pastikan sistem anda dapat melihat fail-fail sistem dan juga yang tersembunyi.

2. Tutup semua aplikasi.

3. Restart komputer anda dan masuk ke dalam Safe Mode. Program-program spyware lazimnya gagal berfungsi apabila Windows berada dalam Safe Mode.

4. Periksa proses yang sedang berjalan menggunakan CTRL+ALT+DEL dan matikan program yang diragui. Jika anda tidak dapat menggunakan Windows Task Manager, anda boleh cuba menggantikannya dengan utiliti Process Explorer:

5. Setelah program spyware berjaya dimatikan, sekarang gunakan MS-DOS untuk membuang fail spyware tersebut. Klik Start -> Run taipkan cmd.exe dan klik OK.

6. Arahan untuk membuang fail spyware adalah seperti berikut:

del \folder\namafailtrojan.exe

C:\> del \folder\namafailtrojan.exe

7. Andai fail tersebut masih berdegil, ubah atribut fail tersebut menggunakan arahan berikut:

attrib -r -s -h namafailtrojan.exe

C:\> attrib -r -s -h namafailtrojan.exe

8. Jika masih tidak berjaya, buang menggunakan program Move On Boot

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Software Review: CCleaner

Need to clean the unnecessary files in your computer system? With CCleaner you will be surprised because it can clean your computer easily and it takes less than second to run.

What the CCleaner can do for you? It cleans the following programs in your system ;

1 - Temporary files, cookies, download history, and URL history in your browser

2 - Recycle bins, log files and recent document in your windows

3 - Shared DLL, uninstallers, application paths, icon, invalid shortcuts and more in your Registry cleaner

4 - Removes temporary files and recent files in your computer applications like Nero, Google toolbar winzip and many more.

Most of all this software is free and you can download on to your computer system and it does not contain any spyware, adware and viruses. To download this awesome tools and visit the ccleaner website for more information or download it from here.

* The latest CCleaner is version v3.01.1327 (25 Nov 2010)
* Star - 5 out of 5

Melajukan Firefox Internet Browser anda

Speed up your Firefox performance

Ok, For Firefox user here i want to give some cool tips for tweak your Firefox. No need software or complex method, just follow this step:

1. Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries: