Do you want to add a short cut on your Right Click menu as in the picture above? This are the steps:
- Open the Registry Editor from RUN on start menu. Type regedit and enter.
- Search for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell
- Right click on Shell and click New » Key
4. Name the key as you wanted. For example, we name it as Firefox
5. Next, right click on the new key (Firefox) and click New » Key
6. Name the new key as command.
7. Now, open Windows Explorer and choose for program location needed. For example, Mozilla Firefox, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\. Hold SHIFT button and click Firefox.exe and choose Copy As Path.
8. Go back into to Registry Editor windows. Click command key that you create previously. On the right side, right click Default value and choose Modify
9. On the Edit Value bar, paste the copied path as on step 7. Add on the program path that you needed on Value data.
10. Click OK to save.
Now, right click on any desktop display. The new option will appear on the menu. Click on for the new option to try whether it working or not.
Good Luck!